Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The eagles perch!

Hi All,
Today I had to make a site visit to due to the technical issues that we have been having. It was a very nice day, warm and windy, day near the nest site.

As for the issues that you have told me about. The system is working but we continue to have interruptions on occasion due to satellite signal and this very windy weather. Unfortunately, the audio will be off until we are able to purchase an unbudgeted new mic and replace the damaged one ... hopefully soon!
I will keep you posted as solutions move along.

We anticipate a hatch as early as May 6th...right around the corner so be sure to keep your eye on the nest!

Have a great day!

Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dutifully incubating

As we all go about our days the eagles on our eaglecam2 are also devoted to a task...they are incubating 2 eggs! The eggs could hatch as early as May 6th so please keep an eye on the web cam. Thanks a bunch for enjoying the webcams!
All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

Friday, April 10, 2009

Back on-line!

Hi All,
We are back on-line!
All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

Internet down!

Hi All,
I am very sorry to report that we have an internet outage...yes since 4/8. It looks like it may last through the weekend as the technician will not be able to visit until next week. I will post again when we have more news...Have a great day and please visit our other webcams at

All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Two eggs!

Hi All,
Just wanted to update with the news that the eagles have laid a second egg! This is great news. Check out the webcam. Also, you may want to look into BRI's newly launched webcam membership program located at this site:

All the Best,

Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Become a BRI Webcam Member

Greetings all!

BRI is very excited to announce the launch of a membership program.

Please click here to become a member

Through this program and your support we hope over the nesting season to raise $65,000 to ensure that we are able to keep these systems running free for everyone.

There are seven different giving levels with the membership and they each have unique and exciting thank you gifts. All members will be automatically signed up for our electronic updates and will receive a BRI sticker--the e-updates will be free for all viewers. The membership levels are.

1. Fledgling, $25: this is for kids and students. Members at this level will receive an eagle mobile and a BRI sticker.

2. Finch, $35: with this membership level you will receive a BRI sticker.

3. Kestrel, $60: you will receive a BRI pin.

4. Osprey, $100: you will receive a 1G memory stick for your computer loaded with high resolution video footage from our webcams and a beautiful eagle screen saver for your computer. Once you have loaded the videos and screen saver onto your computer you can use the memory stick to transfer files and back-up files on your computer.

5. Loon, $250: you will receive a signed copy of Dr. David Evers (BRI's Executive Director) and and Ms Taylor's (former board member) book on loons.

6. Peregrine, $500: you will become one of BRI's top supporters with a Peregrine membership. You will receive a signed copy of Dr. Evers and Ms. Taylor's book "Call of the Loon", our webcam e-update, and BRI sticker.


7. Eagle, $1,000: Your exceptionally generous support allows BRI to conduct its cutting edge wildlife education and research. You will receive a quarterly letter from BRI's Executive Director, a signed copy of the book "Call of the Loon", webcam e-updates, and BRI sticker.

Please consider become a webcam member. Last year we were fortunate to receive several one-year foundation grants to expand our program.

We are working on setting up two more loon cams, and potentially a catbird cam. Today we were talking about potential plans to set up ten more cams in Maine as well as some in some tropical site.

Your support will ensure than we are able to continue our current work and greatly expand.

Thank you.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Eagle Lays Egg!

Good morning! I was so excited to wake this morning and see that the females was still on the nests. Then with coffee in hand I waited to see if there was an egg. YES THERE IS!

What great news. I wanted to give you some basic nesting biology.

Incubation is 35 days give or take a day. That would mean that the first egg should hatch around May 6th. Mark your calenders! Some of you have asked how this timing compares to the rest of the state. Yesterday I asked our Raptor Program Director, Chris DeSorbo, about the timing of nesting. He told me we are right in the middle of the time when birds start nesting in Maine. So the birds are right on time.

Over the nest 3-6 days we should see the rest of the eggs laid, which generally will be one to two more for a total of 2-3 eggs. You will see the female on the nest most of the time (around 75%). Look for her standing up and rotating the egg around every 1/2 hour.

Also you may be able to see how careful the adults are around the egg. They will walk around the egg with their talons balled up in a fist so they don't damage the egg.

Finally, there was a question about how long an egg can go without being incubated. Although the exact amount of time is not fully understood, the eggs can withstand a little bit of cooling.

This is great news!

Thank you for all your great observations.

Wing Goodale
BioDiversity Research Institute