Friday, April 10, 2009

Back on-line!

Hi All,
We are back on-line!
All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute


  1. Saturday 6:19 AM EST
    Still only two eggs!
    So glad it is back online!

  2. Both eagles at nest. Male brought his breakfast to the nest. Appears to be good sized whatever it is... he has been eating it for over five minutes.

  3. Please do something with the bottom 15 second updates...all we see is part of the tree, very rarely see eagle or nest. Also could you move the date stamp over to the blocks eagle sightings when the eagle is seen. Thank you.

  4. I'm so glad the site id back up. Thanks for sticking with it. Thank you Thank You

  5. April 11 - 8:41 EST

    Thanks to everyone for getting the site back up and running. I'm guessing the sound I'm hearing is the river - maybe some rapids. Mom is rearranging herself on the eggs. It's a beautiful, clear view of the nest.

  6. Are we still at two eggs?
    2:20 PM EST

  7. Still no live coverage for me.

  8. April 13th 4:10 EST

    It's a beautiful day at the nest site. One adult is on the nest, the other just flew in and they're switching. Still can't hear anything except the sound of water.

  9. Well we were doing well for a while there, but now the cam2 is starting to "stick" so that it gives off one live frame, stops, gives off another, stops etc etc. I hope we are not on the way to breaking down again!

  10. April 14th 7:54 EST

    It's another beautiful, sunny day. There's a perfect shot of one Eagle sitting on the eggs looking around. It would be nice to have some audio other than the sound of rushing water but the video is perfect.

  11. I have watched Cam 1 for 3 years and it always had the sound of water but I think the sound has to do with the feed. But on cam 1 you can also hear the bird calls in background.

  12. April 14 2:16 EST

    When I watch Cam1 I can hear the wind blowing and all the various bird calls and the Eagles come through loud and clear. Cam2's Eagles' calls don't come through at all - I can only hear the water. But, the picture is great and it's a beautiful day so there's no complaints.

  13. Cam has been looping since yesterday afternoon. 15 second images - top one works, bottom one is not. 7:32 am est 4/15/2009

  14. Has everybody checked out the finch cam? What a good shot the camera has of the nest! I don't know how many eggs are in the nest, but I have seen the parent bird sitting on the nest almost non-stop. Can't wait until the babies are born!

  15. cam 2 not working again....hope it starts working right...don't want to miss the excitement when the eggs hatch...lot more activity then and
    I don't want to miss a thing!!!!!!

  16. April 15th 9:47 EST

    The Cam2 isn't working very well today.
    To answer the question about the Finch - she's got 5 eggs. It's so sweet to see her sitting there so peacefully. I hope all goes well for her and her babies.

  17. I have a very silly question to ask. Is The eagle cam and Eagle Cam2 the same nest just different angles? Or two different nests?

    Also Eagle Cam2 is not working now at all on my comp. Hope they can fix it soon. My kids love to watch the Mom.

  18. Eagle Cam is a different nest to post above.

    Cam still down at Maine Cam2 - 15 second updates - top is not working, bottom is.

  19. cam2 now working....yipeeeeeeeeeee For how long who knows.....enjoy while you can!!!

  20. April 16 7:48 EST

    To Anonymous: EagleCam1 is a nest on the coast of Main and there are no nesting Eagles there this year. EagleCam2 is inland on a river. The Eagle just adjusted herself and is settled down again. The audio isn't working. She looks like she's sleeping.

  21. April 17th 2:32 EST

    There's an Eagle on the nest. It looks like a pretty nice day although it isn't sunny.
    Is anyone else not getting any audio?

  22. April 18 9:25 EST

    Both Eagles at the nest and I see two eggs.
    One just flew away - the other is settled down on the eggs. The camera just cut off and there's still no audio. It's back on but very jerky.

  23. I too have no sound with the live eaglecam2.

    Will this be fixed?

  24. April 18 - 2:33 EST

    Mom is turning the eggs and the camera just quit - it's a still shot and there's no sound.

  25. April 19 9:34 EST

    Mom is on the nest and i t looks like a suny day. The video keeps stopping and there's still no sound. The screen just went black.

  26. Will the sound be restored to eagle cam 2 soon?

  27. Anyone else having trouble with Eagle Cam2?Stuck at 9:27 or so. Live feed if in fact live shows eggs but no adult..
    11:25 am

  28. The eagles have left the nest for quite awhile. I fear that something will attack and take the eggs.

  29. Geez, I sure hope that one of the eagles returns soon to the nest. It has been too long for them to have been away! 4/20/09 11:49 am

  30. 4-20-09 11:40
    Checked in at 11:40 everything was ok, then, at 11:45 everything when black on the finch cam. Checked the other 3 sites, and the live feeds all seem to be down.

  31. April 20 12:30 PM

    I signed on and got a glimpse of an adult on the nest before the screen went black. It's back on but is a still shot - at last the parent is back on the eggs. Still no audio.

  32. April 20 2:47 p.m.
    All my videos seem to be sticking on the site, black at other times. Just watched the finch get up and saw babies, blue of one egg, started to check them, video stuck. Backed out, came back, Finch sitting again! Frustrating. Also when I go to Finch blog, goes to falcon info!
    Karen in Denmark

  33. The Finch cam has babies! She is feeding them them. I see only 1 blue egg left in the nest.

  34. April 20 7:29 p.m.
    Came on about 10 mins. ago, to see wide open mouth in finch nest and lots of fuzz. Parent came back after a few mins. and settled down. Getting very dark now. No sight of blue egg. Went to eagle cam 2, still back up to date but live is stuck, no sound.
    Karen in Denmark

  35. April 21 4:10 EST

    Nothing is working.

  36. Does anyone know what's up with EagleCam2?
    Video stops after a few seconds, or it's a loop or no sound or nothing at all. Been having this problem for the past week at different Pc's and locations.
    Co-workers are having the same problems too.
    Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
    April 21, 7:27 PM

  37. April 22 8:37 EST

    The still shots are working but there's nothing on the live feed except a black screen. We're probably not going to see the eggs hatching if this keeps up.
    The Finch cam is working nicely so far today. I thought I saw five little open mouths and both parents were busy with the feeding.

  38. April 22 1:36 EST

    The live feed just came on but it's a still shot.

  39. When is cam2 going to operate and stream constantly? 15 Second Image Updates take over a half hour to update. Will those be working soon? Is BRI going to put their footdown with the internet server? I can't understand why BRI is putting up with such service. It can't all be because of the weather!

  40. April 23 3:22 EST

    I agree - this is really not good. The live feed is a still shot and who knows if it's even a current one. There isn't any audio.

    The finch cam is working.

  41. Buffers, streams for two/three seconds, buffers, streams for two/three seconds, buffers...


  42. Stream is bad, bad, bad...sun is out so it can't be the weather. 15 second updates stuck...taking over 30 minutes if not more to change. BRI please rectify this...we want to see those eggs hatch.

  43. April 25 12:12 EST

    The live stream screen is black.

  44. April 24 5:02 EST

    The live feed is on but it's a still shot again and there is no audio.

  45. The live feed only lasts 8 seconds, the same over and over.

    Also, there continues to be no sound with the feed.

  46. Nothing seems to be working this afternoon..picture nor sound. Please help!

  47. about when should the eggs hatch? so that i can plan on watch then, with this not working it really is a waste of time thanks

  48. To the post above, around May 6.

    Yawn...buffering every 4 seconds. I guess BRI will lose alot of viewers and then input. I would think it would help with the research but patience is running thin with a cam that won't stream for more than 4 seconds. Granted we know that alot of work goes into having these cams but why have them if they don't work?

  49. I can't even get the live feed to stay on for 2 seconds. In previous years I watched this site constantly but this year I hardly even check on it because it is never working. It's so sad because it really is a great site when working. This is going to cause a huge drop in donations as a result.

  50. On another note, every time I post a comment I get an "error" message and have to post a second time.

  51. Ap[ril 26 - 5:59

    That happens to me also - I have to type the word verification and submit it twice.

  52. time updating, but not sure if it really is updating, eggs left alone for about 8 minutes now. 922am eagle time.

  53. When will the cam stream live for more than 2 to 4 seconds? BRI could you please respond? Thank you!

  54. When will the eggs hatch?

  55. I think all of us can understand technical difficulties, but why can't someone from BRI please tell us what is happening and if/when the problem will be fixed. After last year's disaster (losing the chicks) I was very much looking forward to seeing this year's eggs hatch. It is extremely disappointing not to be able to view the nest and even more disappointing that no response is forthcoming from BRI.
    Jamie, Elmwood Park, IL
    Tuesday, April 28th - 2:00 p.m. Central
