Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chicks are nearly one month old!

Hi All, has been too long! Seeing these eagles care for their young has been tremendous. Have you noticed fish piling up on the edge of the nest at times?

I have received various queries about the eagles being left alone in the nest. Not to worry, this is normal especially given this spring's mild weather.

These chicks are now nearly about four weeks old. As you can see they are moving around the nest bowl more readily but still possess downy gray feathers--their contour feathers are yet to begin to grow in but should start to grow in the coming week or two. These birds still have a long way to grow! It will be six weeks from now (perhaps more) before they are likely to make their first flight!

Let's keep our fingers crossed for these birds and enjoy peeking in on their journey.

Thanks for all your interest and support.

Wish you the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Insitute


  1. I just enjoyed reading the post regarding peregrine banding & wondered if these beautiful eaglets will be banded? The cam has been wonderful this season - thanks! S.P.ME

  2. Hi J,
    We don't have plan to band the ealges at this particular nest but we do have a number of nestling that BRI will be banding. Chris Desorbo and Rick Gray will be very busy climbing trees and checking nests for prey remains and banding chicks.
