Monday, May 11, 2009

Two chicks hatch!

Hi All,
As most of you have noted...we have two chicks in our eagle nest! The first hatched Thursday afternoon followed by the second sometime overnight on Friday. Please view our webcams at and join the conversation in our online community at . Many thnaks for all your support as we work towards some of our technical issues.
Enjoy the webcams!
All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversty Research Institute


  1. I get a great feeling watching your webcam and thank you for all your efforts

  2. Great news...just checking in on Monday morning!

  3. I finaly got to see the baby chicks! ! Cute as the dickens, the parents are doing a great job feeding them and keeping them warm & dry, what with last week ends weather.

  4. BRI Please!!!! If you can't get the live stream to work properly, could you please concentrate on the 15 second updates?? There was just a feeding and we saw four frames of the feeding after that it took 5 minutes to update. Please!

  5. I thought the problem with the video stream was addressed last Friday, but there is no video stream this afternoon. Buffering sometimes makes it to 50%, then drops, picks up again, drops...resulting in no live feed whatsoever. This is actually worse that last week when at least 1-2 seconds of live feed could be attained.

    As mentioned previously...please address this issue.

  6. Blue Screen Instant Updates 2:07 and still at 2:16 pm est and live cam is down

  7. I'm not seeing anything... This is so frustrating????

  8. It's difficult to "enjoy the webcams" when feed for both stills and live is, almost entirely, non-existent.

    Is there alternate address we can connect to? The one used to connect to the live feed does not work.

  9. I have been coming to this site for a couple of years, and 1 thing I have learned is to be patient. They will get the camera fixed in time. We will then be rewarded with a beautiful view of the eaglets! Well worth the wait I might add :)

  10. Judy from Western Maine
    In response to the above comment @ 1:52 PM. I having been saying this for several weeks now and I couldn't agree any more. We are VERY fortunate to see what we are looking at right now. I waited several days to see the chicks, it was well worth the wait. I too have donated to BRI, and I will be patient, and will be well rewarded. Thank you Anonymous!

  11. After what happened at the Hornby nest today, I would hope that BRI will really push their efforts in getting this cam straightened out. The more watching these eagles the better in case of some accident or even worse.

  12. Curious...what occurred at the Hornby nest?

  13. Anonymous said...
    Curious...what occurred at the Hornby nest?

    Warning - very, very hard to watch

  14. 6:11 am est - instant updates stuck since 5:29 am est. Live cam down

  15. 6:33 am est - instant updates stuck since 5:29 am est. Live cam down

  16. 7:40 am est feeding - updates stuck 7:50 am est and live cam down.

  17. 28 minutes for updates to change

  18. Another feeding at 8:31 am est I guess!

  19. This is terrible. Parent leaves nest at 1:31 pm est / images stuck at 1:40 pm est. Live cam 5 seconds of viewing. Can't tell if parent is back.

  20. I got a live feed just long enough to see mom fly in with food then the screen went black!!! Frustrating to say the least!!!

  21. Wow!! is all I have to say. I love watching the eagles too but sometimes it sounds like a bunch of ungrateful children on here. It is electrical equipment in the elements of MAINE. I am sure that the team is doing all they can to keep the very expensive equipment running properly.
    Thank you very much for that. I appreciate the little bits and pieces that I do see.
    Holly in BGR

  22. 6:32 am - instant updates appear that eagle has left the nest but of course images are stuck and live cam - a 2 second view of chicks in nest and that is that!

    Holly, glad you appreciate little bits and pieces. Not everyone has to feel the same way you do but if you are happy then that is great for you.

  23. 6:46 am updates won't move - 6:47 am

  24. 5/13/09: Has anyone seen dad? I haven't in all the weeks I've been watching. Could this be a single mother trying her best to keep the babies alive? Just wondering.
    Kathy in Maine

  25. Kathy - the male has been at the nest every day. Not to worry!

  26. What a relief...thanks! I get a very limited view of what's going on. Good to know he's there.

  27. Hope they get the live cam up soon

  28. My whole point was that Patrick Keenan and his team do this because they want to not because they have to. I enjoy what they can actually get to us at this point because they are dealing with the constant changes in the weather in MAINE. Outdoor electrical equipment in the elements of MAINE don't do so well. Give them a break. I hope they get the live cam up soon too but be thankful for what they do let us see.
    Sorry to offend...
    Holly in Bgr...

  29. Holly I understand your loyalty but the MaineCam2 hasn't ran correctly since the day it was installed and BRI continues to add more either fix this one before installing others or at least give us one type of viewing that works. If the live cam can't work properly for more than 3 or 4 seconds at at time then at least give us the instant updates. Don't forget alot of viewers have donated to BRI and there are so many hours in the day for patience. There are a number of cams out there that are refresh only and perhaps BRI should concentrate on that then deal with the live cam. These chicks will be fledged before we know it. I think BRI needs to read this blog thread and the others. There are alot of great ideas being given to them and there are no comments to the ideas or the questions. All being ignored.

    Instant update stuck at 8:19 am - it is now 8:35 am - live cam down

  30. To all who gripe about the camera's being stuck or down maybe you should all contribute a little more money then maybe they can get better cams instead of griping all the time about them. Remember they don't have to show us anything. You should be thankful for what we have instead of what we don't have. Some people are never happy. BRI I myself think you are doing a great job and I enjoy everything we get to see.

  31. Quote:

    Anonymous said...
    To all who gripe about the camera's being stuck or down maybe you should all contribute a little more money then maybe they can get better cams instead of griping all the time about them. Remember they don't have to show us anything. You should be thankful for what we have instead of what we don't have. Some people are never happy. BRI I myself think you are doing a great job and I enjoy everything we get to see.

    May 13, 2009 5:46 AM


    To the best of my knowledge, our country still has free speech until the White House changes that too. Everyone has a right to post their thoughts just as you do.

  32. Everyone always need to bring politics into it instead of enjoying what they've got.

  33. 05/13 @ 13:25

    Geez ... I have been gone and am sorry to come back to continued problems and unhappy comments.

    That said, I am delighted to report that my live feed came on at approx. 13:10 and, even though it lasted just a few seconds, I was able to see the pair and two eaglets. Hooray for them ... I am sure that they could care less about our viewing frustration.

    I agree that BRI does a great job and offers a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the birds they cover with their cams and blogs. I also agree that I get disappointed not to have the streaming live video at my finger tips. I still choose to watch these cams and eagerly await updates, etc. I am fully aware other cams are offered from various locations ... but these are my favorites (particularly Eagle Cam 1).

    I long for the days when the cam worked most of the time and the blog comments were full of information and excitement. I trust that these conditions will return. I don't know if the individual cam blogs will ever receive the attention they did in the past. I hope so as I believe they serve a very useful purpose.

    In the meantime, can someone tell me if it is possible to zoom to 100% of the "live" image? On my computer, that option is eliminated whenever the live stream is not running which means that I cannot get a full-screen image of the eaglets! With my eyesight, larger is definitely better. Thanks in advance for any help offered.

    JAM in IL

  34. Haven't seen the babies yet but did catch 2 secs. of Dad bringing home a fish

  35. Both parents at the nest 4:44 pm est. Updates changed once. Live cam repeating, buffering over and over. Took updates 30 minutes to change.

  36. Personally, I think if BRI kept us more informed (via this blog) of what was being done to fix the cameras, our frustration would be greatly reduced. As someone who was so saddened with last year's event, I was really looking forward to a successful hatching this year. I guess I don't understand why Eagle Cam I works perfectly while Eagle Cam 2 hasn't worked for well over 6 weeks. I am still hopeful that the problem gets solved so that we can view the chicks.
    Jamie, Elmwood Park, IL
    May 13, 4:30 p.m. Central

  37. 5/14/09
    7:07a.m. eastern
    finally got to see the two baby eaglets in the nest. Adult standing off to one side. Picture taken about a half hour before at 6:25a.m. frozen picture frame. Cute picture.

  38. Around 4:PM got a peek at the hatchlings! Live cam still down but the updates are doing better. As I have told my 8 year old...You get what you get and you don't get upset!

  39. May 15 around6:05 i went on the live feed and Mom was standing to the side of the nest feeding the babies. Then the camera froze, but Iwas so excited to see the little ones. in Gray

  40. BRI since the live cam is so poor along with the image, can't you make sure that the 15 second updates work so we can at least see the eagles andd bobbleheads that way?

  41. Interesting 8 am to 9:11 am - live cam down but instant updates are working. Perhaps you should leave live cam down BRI until problem is solved and updates would continue to work?

  42. For anyone who's frustrated with the eagle cam right now, try checking out the peregrine falcon cam...there's an adorable chick there, who's very animated and sweet.

  43. Of course, as soon as I posted that comment, the chick fell fast asleep...

  44. 1:04 pm est - Unbelievable. Instant updates working all day!!!

  45. I was just checking the babies at 4:03 and Mom was not there so you can see the babies. Then mom went to branch.

  46. 4:49 PM
    Both chicks appear to be doing well this afternoon. Mom on rim of nest, able to see both chicks.

  47. This is my 3rd year viewing BRI's web cams. It all started with the looncam, then to eagle cam 1's family then ospreycam added last year. It is an awesome experience to share nature with my children, students and friends with the upclose & personal look into these bird's homes. There are ups & downs with the equipment always.. I'm sad that the blog community isn't as cohesive as in years past. There are all sorts of other cam's around the world to watch. I think there is a difference in the tone of the comments that reflect a true desire to communicate an issue to the BRI team and an outwright attack of the operation.
    If any watched eagle cam 1 last year when the chicks were lost, knows how empty the nest really was for everyone. I've waited a year to get back on line to enjoy, learn and share with others of like mind. I hope the excitement and joy will swell again as we now have eaglets, peregrine chicks, osprey and the beloved loons still to peek in on for a refreshing break from the ordinary.

  48. BRI, could you adjust the time on MaineCam2 for a later time for night vision? The sunsets are beautiful and would love to see about another 15 minutes before black and white. Thanks in advance 8:22 pm est. Instant Update Images. We miss the sunrises so it would be great to view the sunsets longer.

  49. Thank You! Instant Updates worked an entire day. I do believe it is because the live cam was down all day. I hope this will continue until the live cam works properly.

  50. OH NO! Live cam up - streams for about 17 seconds, then reloads, streams 2 seconds, reloads, etc. Instant Updates Stuck! No longer working like yesterday. BRI it is the live cam that is making all viewing impossible. What a shame. Yesterday was so great!

  51. Example: At 7:05 am est instant updates stuck with Live cam buffering.
    Live cam goes down at 7:09 am - instant updates immediately change.

    Definately a computer problem along with Internet Server Hosting MaineCam2 - bandwidth problem. Can't handle both viewings at the same time.

  52. As a viewer of the Eagle cam 1 over the years and knowing how hard BRI folks work to keep these cameras operating, I had to add my 2 cents. It is obvious that "someone" is not familiar with the difficulty in coordinating mechanical, technical, and internet in this situation regarding the live/still feed of the Eagle Cams. I'm sure that BRI is doing everything in their power to restore/improve. Getting on this venue to chew them out for not pleasing "YOU" is just uncalled for. I'm sure they are not sitting around doing nothing, as has been stated on this blog. If you want better video and still coverage of this nest (or any other), donate money so they can improve equipment, get people out to the sites, and pay for operating costs to bring us the best in coverage. Offering all this to us is not FREE!! We wouldn't have been able to see ANY eagles at these sites in Maine, if not for BRI and their endless hard work. I'm going to ask that no one (free speech rights or not), posts another negative dig at those who spend hours upon hours each day trying to show us this gift of nature. This is not the place for PLEASE stop, and enjoy what coverage we get.

  53. Quote:

    As a viewer of the Eagle cam 1 over the years and knowing how hard BRI folks work to keep these cameras operating, I had to add my 2 cents. It is obvious that "someone" is not familiar with the difficulty in coordinating mechanical, technical, and internet in this situation regarding the live/still feed of the Eagle Cams. I'm sure that BRI is doing everything in their power to restore/improve. Getting on this venue to chew them out for not pleasing "YOU" is just uncalled for. I'm sure they are not sitting around doing nothing, as has been stated on this blog. If you want better video and still coverage of this nest (or any other), donate money so they can improve equipment, get people out to the sites, and pay for operating costs to bring us the best in coverage. Offering all this to us is not FREE!! We wouldn't have been able to see ANY eagles at these sites in Maine, if not for BRI and their endless hard work. I'm going to ask that no one (free speech rights or not), posts another negative dig at those who spend hours upon hours each day trying to show us this gift of nature. This is not the place for PLEASE stop, and enjoy what coverage we get.

    Comment: It is obvious that, that "someone" does know what he or she is talking about - Instant Updates working perfectly when Live Cam is down. Server can't handle both - anyone can understand that. You are entitled to your post, but as far as others not being able to post anything negative, sorry you are going in the wrong direction. BRI can handle both the negative and the positive feedback. Oh by the way, my donations have been made.

  54. What a shame that this venue has to have a member who can't just enjoy the coverage BRI is able to provide at any given moment. I doubt that BRI is intentionally keeping us from seeing the live feed just to torture you. Posting your criticisms may make you feel better, but it's not something that is at all necessary in a forum such as this. Of course you have your rights to say whatever you want. Insulting BRI isn’t helping to buy a server big enough to handle the bandwidth, or buy new equipment when it fails. I doubt that they are unaware and need experts to tell them how to run their organization.

    Maybe your donation was enough to buy a new server big enough to handle everything, and they’ll be doing that for you soon. Darn, if only you were over-seeing this whole operation. I’ll bet we wouldn’t have this disruption in webcam service and there would never be glitches. This is something that costs you nothing unless you choose to donate. Maybe that's the point. You've donated and feel like you should be able to complain. I for one wish they'd refund your donation and ban you from here. This forum is offered to members to discuss what's going on in the nest with the eagles...not complain that BRI isn't doing enough to suit you.

  55. THANK YOU PATRICK AND WING AND STAFF!! We appreciate what you do to bring us a bird's eye view of this eagle family.

  56. Instant updates have worked quite well this afternoon. Parents are very dedicated to their eaglets.

  57. Quote: Anonymous said...
    "What a shame that this venue has to have a member who can't just enjoy the coverage BRI is able to provide at any given moment. I doubt that BRI is intentionally keeping us from seeing the live feed just to torture you. Posting your criticisms may make you feel better, but it's not something that is at all necessary in a forum such as this. Of course you have your rights to say whatever you want. Insulting BRI isn’t helping to buy a server big enough to handle the bandwidth, or buy new equipment when it fails. I doubt that they are unaware and need experts to tell them how to run their organization.

    Maybe your donation was enough to buy a new server big enough to handle everything, and they’ll be doing that for you soon. Darn, if only you were over-seeing this whole operation. I’ll bet we wouldn’t have this disruption in webcam service and there would never be glitches. This is something that costs you nothing unless you choose to donate. Maybe that's the point. You've donated and feel like you should be able to complain. I for one wish they'd refund your donation and ban you from here. This forum is offered to members to discuss what's going on in the nest with the eagles...not complain that BRI isn't doing enough to suit you."

    Comment: Such Drama - I feel for you. You win because I won't allow you to put words in my mouth.

    Cheerleading posts only. I understand completely. Have a great day!!!

  58. 6:02 PM
    Just checked in, the chicks are growing quickly.If you haven't checked in w/the falcon cam, you should, that little guy is just adorable. Keep up the work BRI, I will certainly watch, and will be happy w/what we have to watch.

  59. This blog has become something I avoid reading due to all the negative comments and constant complaining. BRI has my support and understanding.
    Thursday with the high winds made it scary to watch the nest. As cute as the eaglets are, you have to check out the baby falcon. It continues to grow SO fast.
    5/17 6:49 am EST

  60. 6:52 am est - Eagle appears to be fine in the instant updates bottom screen. Might be windy - view is over to the left. Top screen on 4:10 am est. Live cam down.

  61. Another beautiful Maine morning for the eaglets...unfortunately for all of us it is the beginning of another week and the live eaglecam continues to produce no image whatsoever. Hopefully the biologists will provide us with an update regarding the chicks progress so far.

  62. Please, people, remember this is a free service provided by BRI, made possible thru donations. Emphasis on FREE and SERVICE.
    Quit complaining. BRI is doing the best they can. I, for one, am grateful for anything BRI provides. Thank-you to Patrick and the other biologists for their hard work and dedication to this project.
    Kathy in Wisconsin

  63. BRI- I for one think you all are doing a wonderful job. Everyone knows that live cams always have gliches. Be happy with what you are seeing and stop complaining.

    5/17 4:50

  64. 6:05 PM Eagle on branch babysitting eaglets. Wonderful black and white images. So cool!

  65. I have had the same frozen picture for 24 hours now.

  66. 05/18 @ 10:05

    I have an updated still but no live feed. Anyone have the live?

    JAM in IL

  67. 9:06 am For those of who need our eagle fix, click on the "video blog", there you will find a video done on May 16.

  68. 5/20 10am CDT

    Still came is stuck on 8pm on 5/19

  69. Checked in @ 6:57 PM , Mom feeding chicks, they are growing rapidly. 15 sec. cam appears to be working properly. Falcon chick is about half the size of Mom now.

  70. Is there a way to adjust the color on the lower instant updates to show the sunrises and sunsets better. Perhaps a greener tree too?

  71. Love to see the live cam, but haven't seen it lately. I'm happy with the instant updates though. I've updated to flip4mac, but still can't see it live. Is there still a problem or is it my computer??

  72. EagleCam 2 has continued to deteriorate, no picture, no buffering, no connection whats-so-ever. Is there a timetable for the cam repairs to begin to take affect?
