Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fledging vs. Branching

Hi All,

I've gotten a series of questions regarding the terms branching or fledging. Branching refers to the hopping about and jumping from branch to branch around the nest. Fledging refers to the birds first flight and generally results in the bird landing in a different tree or on the ground. At this point I have observed one of the birds launching into its first flight but have not yet confirmed the other bird. This observation is perfectly in line with our expectations as these birds are now almost 12 weeks old.

The immature eagles will remain in the area and in and near the nest throughout the next two months or so while the parents continue to feed them. Many thanks for all of you comments. Let's hope that the birds continue to fare well!

All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute


  1. Two eaglets and one adult at nest. 5.30 est

  2. Bottom image stuck at 5:29 am est. Can't tell if any eaglets are in the tree as they have been every day this week. Upper image - empty nest.

  3. Correction image stuck at 3:05 am est.

  4. Both eaglets at the nest this morning. Upper image

  5. Patrick, any chance of changing the 15 second updates to a even shorter update, 8 seconds, 10 seconds, 5 seconds perhaps, so we can possibly catch the eaglets flying? Just a thought.

  6. Both eaglets in nest. 6.05 est.

  7. No birds in nest or branches 8:12est.

  8. Both eaglets back 9:14est. One is eating in the nest and the other is on a branch above.

  9. Both eaglets in branches.12.15 est

  10. 2:44 PM Parent and eaglets at the nest - parent and eaglet in the tree, one in the nest. Lower image. Upper image is not working at the moment.

  11. Very bad storm. Sure hope the eagles are ok.

  12. BRI, will you be fixing the upper image. Stuck at 5:20 pm est 7/31st? Thanks in advance.

  13. Both eaglets at the nest this morning 5:11 am est.

  14. What a beautiful view with the camera pulled back in the bottom pic!

  15. BRI, Upper image still stuck since Friday. Will it be fixed?

    Both eaglets at nest 1:40 pm est.

  16. WOW That was quick. LOL Thanks BRI!!!

  17. Upper image white. Both eaglets at nest 4.15pm est

  18. Are the birds gone? I haven't seen them in a few days.

  19. Quote:

    Karen said...
    Are the birds gone? I haven't seen them in a few days.

    August 6, 2009 6:12 AM

    No they have been at the nest daily, at least twice a day and one or the other parent too.

  20. 3:02 pm est. Upper image has been stuck for about an hour now.

    Lower image - noone home.

  21. Upper image still frozen...now 6:19pm eastern.

  22. Both eaglets in the tree 6:08 pm est.

    Upper image still stuck on 8/6 2 pm est.

  23. Upper image still frozen, more than a day now...6:12pm eastern.

  24. Both eaglets at the nest 5:15 pm est. One on branch, the other lying down in nest.

    Upper image still stuck since 8/6 2 pm est. Such a shame.

  25. Both eaglets at the nest 6:04 am est lower image
    upper image still stuck on 8/6 2 pm est.

  26. Monday mornng and upper image still not working 8/6 2 pm est. What a pity.

    Lower image 4:57 am est - no sightings

  27. Is everyone at BRI on vacation??? Upper image still not working 8/6/ 2 pm est - Lower image no eagles / eaglets in sight.

  28. We have missed almost all of this eagle season and I for one am mad!!

    Surely someeone could have made sure the updates were working even if the live stream couldn't work?????

  29. Quote:

    Anonymous said...
    We have missed almost all of this eagle season and I for one am mad!!

    Surely someeone could have made sure the updates were working even if the live stream couldn't work?????

    I absolutely agree with you! I can understand some down time but it gets worse and worse. Maybe BRI has considered this season a closed one since the eaglets have fledged. It truly is a pity.

  30. Both cams stuck!!! How very maddening!

  31. I used to watch this website all the time because it was the best one out there. What happened? I come back to it often but all I see is down camera's. Doesn't anyone care anymore?

  32. 3:34 pm est. lower image working. Have no clue when it started because I was busy with other things. Eaglets at the nest, branching.

  33. Amazing! Bottom cam is working and both babies at the nest!

  34. Both eaglets still at the nest 5:17 pm est. Lower image. There was a food delivery by parent at 3:48 pm and then parent left two minutes later.

  35. Very disappointing, not only was live feed down and given up on practically the entire nesting season, even the one still camera with the close view of the nest has also been ignored...now frozen for over a week. It appears that those of us who keep returning to watch and posting are the ones that really care.

  36. 5:18 am est Upper Image Still Stuck
    Lower Image - not eagles.

    BRI has said for financial reasons, image cam could be stuck for sometime - financial reasons prevent them from going to the site. But what bothers me is, when the lower image is stuck for hours like the other day, how come that one starts working and the upper does not? One is not on site and the other is? Definately not computing with me. Oh well, at least the eaglets fledged and are doing quite nicely.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I guess no one visits here any more. There are two babies at the nest. 6.30 pm. EST.

    Sorry, typo in the previous comment!

  39. 08/19 @ 07:12

    Thanks for the post, Amelia. I have not managed to catch sight of the eagles for a long time.

    Between equipment failures and lack of blog updates from BRI, I believe many have given up on these cams. I wonder if donations have suffered as a result.

    JAM in IL

  40. Since Wing stopped blogging here it's been very poor.

  41. Two eaglets at nest. 11.45 am EST.

  42. Eaglets continue to visit nest but not as often now.

    Both images are stuck 8:21 am est 8/26

  43. Both images were stuck but it looks as if some work is being done which would be nice.

  44. Top image has changed. Bottom image, not sure what to make of it. 1:47 pm 8/26

  45. Did the computer crash? Bottom image has text and an image of the tree trunk with the branches. 2:20 pm est August 26th, 2009

  46. Thank you. I see you fixed the computer or whatever the problem was. Thanks again. 5:20 pm est August 26th, 2009

  47. 08/28 @ 14:12

    Hmmm ... my last attempt did not post.

    I remarked that it is nice to see the cams working again and hope to catch the eagles.

    JAM in IL

  48. Too bad they're working well now and not when the eagles were around!

  49. Both eaglets at nest!!! Amazing that they're still together!

    1.40 pm EST

  50. 09/13 @ 09:11

    Unfortunately, both cams are down again ... one on 09/10 and the other on 09/11.

    Any recent eagle sightings or are they gone for the year?

    JAM in IL

  51. Eaglets and Parents all continue to visit the nest. Last sighting 9/7 - then the cam images got stuck. BRI, will you fix them or is the season over for this nest?

  52. Adult was at the nest this morning. Lower image.

    Will upper image get fixed soon?

  53. Both eaglets were at the nest sundown 9/18

  54. Both adults at the nest 6:33 am est.

  55. One adult in the nest, one on branch. Shame upper image is still not working.

  56. 5:50 am est both adults at the nest.

    Both in tree then one down into nest. Shame that upper image still isn't working.

  57. Both adults gone at 6:27 am est.

  58. Eagle at nest 6:45 pm est. Eating and then up on branch with pretty sunset all around.

  59. Both eagles, then one leaves, the other lying down in nest 7 pm est.

  60. Leaves 7:01 pm est.

  61. Adult at the nest 7:17 am est. 9/22

  62. Juvenile has been at the nest off and on today.

  63. Someone is in the nest right now 6:48 am est 9/24. Can't tell who. Need that upper image please BRI and thank you.

  64. 6:59 am est - Up on branch now. Definately juvenile.

  65. Eagle at the nest 10:57 am est.

  66. Adult at nest 6:47 am est.

  67. Adult at nest 6:15 pm est

  68. Adults have been at the nest - both and and juvenile too.

  69. Adults and juvenile(s) continue to visit nest 9/29th. I wish BRI would consider fixing the upper image so we can try and determine if we are seeing both juvies or just one. Please consider it BRI.

  70. Adult at nest 11:56 am est appears to be eating.

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