Friday, October 9, 2009

Fall is upon us.

Hi All,
I am sure that some of you are happy to see the upper image loading. Sorry for the delay on this but we had some computer issues that we have at least solved for the time being.
We are very happy to have witnessed that success of these two eagles this year and hope for another successful season next year. Unfortunately the live feed on Eaglecam2 is unlikely to work until we are able to get a hardwired internet line to the site. The good news is that we can continue to monitor this nest with our multiple photo uploads.
One thing to look for over the coming weeks is an increase in 'nestorations'. There is often a pulse of breeding type activity at this time of year for some eagles that remain on territory. Eagles are seen in the area of this site year-round. This nest tending activity is a good predictor of future nesting efforts so cross your fingers!
Have a great day!

Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Intistute


  1. Forgot to mention there was a juvenile at the nest this morning around 9.00 am est.

  2. 10/18/09
    7:38a.m. eastern
    Both adult eagles on nest.
    Bright sunshine.
    Beautiful picture.
    Thanks. BRI

  3. Juvenile at nest. Looks as if it's eating.
    9.10 est

  4. Thank you BRI for zooming in on the Juvie!!!!

  5. Don't give up BRI lol Juvie still there 2:13 pm est Zoom, zoom.

  6. And still at 5:25! It's had it's beak open calling out I'd assume. Nice to know that the sticks I've seen being brought in are a fall ritual.
    The close ups were great today, it's color wonderful. Thanks!
